Hey. Blogging hasn't been a daily routine already. Its exam period now. But I'm slacking!! Schools been real boring. Its exam period yet I'm already having plans for holiday! Good Luck in the last few papers friends! BYEEEE
Well well! Hoping for a fun and thrilling holiday this week. Hopefully I would study for my coming End Of Year Examination :( Got myself new specs and a new pair of lovely flats. Gonna need some shopping! Coach bag I'm coming!!!!! BYE!
Well well well! Here are some pictures during national day. Picture had helped me to summarize what to say during that day! Life's just so that boring. I spend yesterday at Bukit Timah. Went to Alex's condo to slack. Nothing much interesting anyway. Today didnt attend school cos I'm having a killer stomach pain ): BYEBYE!
Well, obviously by not blogging for weeks proves that I'm lazy enough to blog! Good and bad things do happened after the previous post. Was busy attending school, being a food delivery girl for baby, home works and loads of other stuffs! I accidentally screwed up my previous blog skin and managed to retrieve the same base code and taadaa! Here i go with a laundry background! Alrighty, will post up some other time (: Bye lovelies.
Alright so a proper post for today. Well, yesterday had quite a fun in school. Last two periods of Chinese lesson Me, Sheila & Cheryl decided to pon class. We were at the toilet hiding like 3 weirdos and kept playing with toilet papers and water. Head outside school stroll awhile and rushed home to bath. Met up with baby and head down to West Mall to catch ' Despicable Me '. A serious great show which I give 5/5 popcorns. It's touching and it's a must watch cartoon! And I cant stop saying ' Its so fluffy ' everywhere I go now. Went to stroll around at West Mall after the movie. Ate KFC for dinner. Mum called and my mood kinda screwed real bad after that. And while for today, morning dragged baby down for service. Went to eat after service and head down baby's place! Now I'm home sweet home! Alrighty, tatas my friends (: xoxo.
Okay, I've been neglecting my blog recently and I know that. Promise with a proper post on Saturday.. HOPEFULLY. Life isn't any better since after school reopens. Homeworks are giving me headache! I don't even want to touch them! And of cos! I'm missing waking up late already! Oh well, Good Night fellow folks! xoxo.