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Beauty isn't a passport to success, it's a Visa
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Sunday, June 20, 2010


Can't believe I still kept my P5/6 photo with my bangs!

Well, today went to old folks home. Met up with Cheryl and KokHeng at my block first. Went JP to find Cheryl's mum, her sis, and her sis's friends. Awhile later trained down woodlands then went to buangkok one of the old folks home. Waited for Bibi with Cheryl and KokHeng while the rest went in first. Was late. In the end we did nothing there. Went causway to settle our dinner after that. Baby was trying to flirt Cheryl's mum which made me laugh. Back to Jurong around 7 plus. Slack with bibi awhile before heading home. Went Watsons bought my makeup remover and bused back home. (: While indeed quite a fun day! Was suppose to play L4D2 at safra today but its late. Aww! Shall ask Cheryl out for L4D some other time! BYE GUYS!